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VIBIOS File Downloader

Today's Price: USD 49.95

Need the best way in file distribution system? Let this File Downloader helps you to to do that. By using this, your source file for download will be protected from file theft.

VIBIOS File Downloader provides:

  • File Groups : Allow you to group files into several categories/groups.
  • File Management : Allow you to upload,delete and update your source file.
  • Downloader : Distribute your source file in safe way.
  • Download History : Show the times of download attemps
  • Temp Cleaner : Allow you to delete all expired downloadable files
  • PayPal Button Generator : Direct selling a file just by placing a generated PayPal button code to any of your websites.

VIBIOS File Downloader requires a web server with:

  • Apache 1.33 or later
  • PHP 5+ (GD enabled)
  • MySQL 5+

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Added to our catalog on 11/23/2009

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